• A blue header with iconic representations of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity

    Designing with C.R.A.P.

    Design is, essentially, a system by which you organize information. Good design tells a story or communicates a message in a way that is both easily understood and aesthetically pleasing. It is the intersection between substance and flash. If you’re unfamiliar with design, it can be difficult to determine what makes certain designs effective and…

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  • A blue header image featuring an icon of a logo in the center and faded promo product icons in the background

    What is Branding?

    The word “brand” stems from the burnt markings people once used to signify the ownership of their livestock. In the marketing and design world, branding something still means that you’re marking it—we just use ink and pixels now. A brand’s mark is typically its logo. We’ve talked before about the importance of logos and how…

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  • A blue header image featuring an icon of hands holding each other with a heart above them in the center and faded helping icons in the background

    Should Non-profits Market Themselves?

    Non-profit organizations, sometimes called not-for-profits, are charitable organizations that do not seek to gain a profit for the owner(s) of the organization. Instead, non-profits raise funds for specific goals or services to meet various needs locally, nationally, and even internationally. There are over 1 million non-profits in the United States (Source: Council of Nonprofits). Just…

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  • A blue header image featuring a fake logo in the center and faded other fake logos in the background

    Do I Need a Logo?

    One of the first things any business or organization needs is a logo. Logos are a visual representation of your business/organization, the services you offer, the products you sell, and anything else that falls under the umbrella of your brand. They can be simple or complex. They can be colorful and bold, or monochromatic and…

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  • A blue header image featuring an icon of a house in the center and faded contractor icons in the background

    3 Reasons Why Contractors Should Use Online Marketing

    Contractors, like all small businesses, should have an online presence to make it easier for current and future customers to find them. When you’re a contractor, you typically go to your customers to perform services like plumbing, roofing, or other building repairs. You can’t always rely on a storefront to remind people about your business.…

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  • A blue header image featuring an icon of a laptop with a search window open in the center and faded internet icons in the background

    What is SEO & Where Do I Start?

    Defining SEO Search engine optimization—more commonly known as SEO—is a method you can use so your website and other internet content appears higher on the results page of a search engine. Most SEO tips are geared toward Google because it is the most widely used search engine. Bing and Yahoo both have similar tips. In…

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