3 Reasons You Should Consider Blogging


A blue header image featuring an icon of a blog post in the center and faded blogging icons in the background

When you set out to create a website for your business, there are several pieces of information to include. One piece that may be less obvious is the blog. Nowadays you can find blogs on virtually any topic. From cooking to photography to looking for Bigfoot to crocheting the perfect sweater, blogs are a great place for the broad, the niche, and the in-between. Keep reading to see why you should add a blog to your company’s website.

A brief history of blogging

The term “blog” is actually a shortened version of “weblog” (or web log). It was first coined in 1997 by Jorn Barger (Source: History of Blogging). In 1999, Peter Morholz (who would later go on to design for companies like Groupon and OpenTable) shortened “weblog” to what we now know as “blog.”

Blogs originally started out as ways for people to share their personal lives online. Before social media, it was common to have blogs that detailed anything from helpful links to snippets of daily life. Blogging helped to shape the early internet landscape and tied in to emerging social networks.

Why you should consider blogging

1. Blogging is good for SEO

If you’re not sure what SEO is, you can check out this post to learn a bit more about it. Blogs are utilized by millions of people every year. And, while social media is an effective tool for marketing businesses, you don’t want to ignore the customers you can attract from search engines by putting all of your marketing eggs in one online basket. By creating a steady flow of quality content on your blog, your website can show up in more search results and reach more customers.

2. You can create “evergreen content”

Blogs are great for “evergreen content,” or content that is not likely to change (or change much) over time. According to GrowthBadger.com, ten percent of blog posts get more traffic from organic search results (not paid advertising) each year after they are published. That means you don’t have to worry about your well-crafted content getting buried under new posts. People will still be able to find that evergreen content and you will still reap the benefits of investing in it.

3. Customers like blogs

Blogs are a great way to show customers that you are an expert in your field. Forty seven percent of customers are likely to view anywhere from three to five blog posts or other content before making a purchase [GrowthBadger.com]. In much the same way that customers like reviews, they also like to see your expertise in action. You can establish yourself as a credible, knowledgable source on whatever topic(s) relate to your business or organization.

The time to post is now

Are you ready for a blog to spruce up your site? Contact Bold River Marketing today for help with setting up and managing a blog.

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