As internet and data speeds continue improving, online platforms are favoring videos over other types of content. Promotional videos can be a great way to promote events, recruit employees, inform customers, and build a good reputation for your business.

Event promos

One of the best ways to show off your event is through a promotional video. You can showcase different activities, interview previous attendees, and tease new features that are on the way. Event promos are great for business conferences, local fairs, school events, church events, and more! If you’re looking to get people excited about attending your event, hire Bold River Marketing to make a promotional video for it.

Product or service explanations

Not every customer knows every detail about your line of work. By making a video that explains how to use a certain product or why a certain service may be beneficial, you can keep your customers feeling informed and empowered. You can also use explanation videos to remind customers of things they can do at home. By giving them some extra information, you will reinforce your reputation as an expert and build up more trust between your business and your customers.


Another great way to promote your business or organization is through testimonials. Whether it’s an employee or a customer, having someone explain their experience with your business can be a great way to show people what it’s like to work for you, do business with you, or utilize your events or services. Testimonials can also help to humanize your business.

Lights, Camera, Action!

If you’d like to promote your events, explain your services, or show off a testimony, contact Bold River Marketing. We can film, edit, and produce videos for you to add to your website, to share on social media, or to show at events.